DHL Global Forwarding / Houston's 23d annual Oilfield Charity Cookoff 2008. Click on
Photo to view more.

Grand Prix 2007
NOSC Houston Color Guard at Houston Grand Prix as RDML
Emerson of NSAWC Fallon,
NV looks on.

Washinton, D.C. Mar 2007
F. Hall,
Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Reserve Affairs (Left) and VADM
John G. Cotton, Cheif of Navy Reserve
(Right) during the wreath laying ceremony for the Navy Reserve Birthday
at the Navy Memorial.


D.C. Mar 2007
VADM John G. Cotton, Cheif of Navy
Reserve Speaks at Navy
Reserve Birthday
Washington, D.C. Mar 2007
DR. Donald C. Winter,
Secretary of the Navy visits with Thomas F. Hall,
Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Reserve Affairs at the Navy Reserve Birthday Ceremony.


Gaveston Texas,Sep
Mrs. Laura Bush speaks at the commissioning of the USS TEXAS (SSN-775).
Gaveston Texas,Sep 2006
United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison speaks at the commissioning
of the USS TEXAS (SSN-775) as First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush and United States Senator John Cornyn Look


Gaveston Texas,Sep
The crew of the USS
TEXAS (SSN-775) Proudly man the rails.
Johnson Space Center,
May 2006
VADM Crenshaw, United States Navy, receives tour of the NASA Johnson
Space Center


Houston Grand Prix, May 2006
RDAM Skinner, United States Navy, waves the green flag to signal the
start of the LeMans series race
Washington, D.C. Feb 2006
Petty Officer Stone, Self Portrait...